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Chemical and Biomolecular Analysis Facility

Overview of Services

The Chemical and Biomolecular Analysis Facility provides instrumentation for determination of structure and purity of a wide variety of materials, or for preliminary data necessary for further study on larger instruments. Spectroscopic instruments are available for characterization of organic, inorganic, and biological samples. Chromatographic analysis is available for analysis of mixtures.


Structure and Interaction Studies using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR)

The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) instruments can provide structure or molecular interaction analysis of small organic molecules, peptides, 3D structure of proteins up to 12-15 kDa, ligand binding to larger proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids of 8 kDa or less, and selected metals. The 500 MHz NMR instrument has different probes allowing multiple configurations while the 300 MHz NMR is limited to proton, carbon, and fluorine studies. Trained users have 24h access. Consultation is available to determine recommended experiments, to operate the instrument, or to assist with data interpretation. Long experiments are frequently restricted to nights and weekends.  Experiments that require a hardware change must be scheduled in advance. Default hardware includes a Prodigy Cryoprobe (Inverse probe) for high sensitivity proton, carbon, nitrogen, and fluorine studies of samples in liquid solution. Available hardware includes a High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning probe for lipids, cells, polymers, or high viscosity samples and a Broad Band (Direct probe) for a wide range of nuclei. Contact facility to arrange analysis of external or commercial samples. Training is available for those who wish to become independent users.


Identify and Quantify Compounds in Complex Sample Matrix using LC-MS and LC-MS/MS

The facility is equiped with a Agilent 6120 single quadrupole LC-MS and a SCIEX 6500+ triple quadrupole UPLC-MS/MS availalbe for identifying unknown compounds in complex sample matrices and quantifying low level proteins, contaminants, pesticides, or drug metabolites with accuracy and reliability. 


Biomolecule Characterization using Circular Dichroism (CD), Linear Dichroism (LD), Magnetic Circular Dichroism (MCD), Fluorescence, and Fluorescence Polarization

A JASCO 1500 dichrometer is available with multiple accessories for analysis of biomolecules and other large molecules in solution.  CD is frequently used to study the secondary structure of proteins and nucleic acids.  LD is well-suited for investigation of long, flexible molecules such as DNA, fibrous proteins, or membrane proteins.  MCD uses a magnetic field and is especially valuable for the study of metalloproteins, and is sensitive to both the oxidation state and spin state of the metal.


Inorganic Powders Structure Determination using X-Ray Diffraction Spectroscopy (Powder XRD)

Solids can be characterized in powder form using the Rigaku X-Ray Diffraction spectrometer to assess phases and crystallinity.  A crusher and splitter are available for sample preparation and statistical mixing of heterogeneous samples (such as geologic samples).


Trace Metal Analysis using Atomic Spectroscopy (Flame AA or ICP-OES)

Atmoic spectroscopy can determine the elements present and the amounts of each in a sample.  This is most commonly applied to metals and has applications in pharmaceutical, biological, environmental, geochemical, agricultural, and chemical environments.  This facility has Flame Atomic Absorption spectrometry for detection and quantification of selected metals at the ppm to ppb level.  For a broader range encompassing most elements, and greater sensitivity (ppb to sub-ppb limit of detection) measurement would utilize the Perkin Elmer Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES).


Radionuclide Analysis

Isotopic identification, activity measurements and spectroscopy of selected alpha, beta, and gamma emitting radioactive sources is available, with specific samples subject to approval by the Radiation Safety Office.  Greatest sensitivity is available from the Ortec High-purity Germanium Detector (HPGe).



Guido Verbeck, PhD

Director, Chemical and Biomolecular Analysis Facility

Department of Chemistry and Physics

Health Science Campus, GE 1029

Augusta University

Phone: 706-667-4148 | email core: | email personal:


Thomas Crute, PhD

Scientific Director, Chemical and Biological Analysis Facility

Chair, Department of Chemistry and Physics

Health Science Campus, GE 1029

Augusta University

phone:  706-737-1541 | email core: | email personal:

Location and hours of operation

Hours Location

Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm Eastern Time    

or by appointment

Open 24 hours for trained users only 

1201 Goss Lane
Science and Mathematics Building

Room GE 3079
Augusta, GA 30904

Links and Resources

  1. NMR Basics- online textbook
  2. NMR Applications- searchable blog from Univ. of Ottawa
  3. NMR Vocabulary and Terms- alphabetical listing
  4. Bruker Corporation- The Resonance: NMR Applications Newsletter



Name Role Phone Email Location
Guido Verbeck, PhD
GE 1029
Ashish Sarker, PhD
CABF Manager
GE 3067
